Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Gets Paid Very Little Cash

Lindsay Lohan is a bit of a mess these days.

That's a point even Michael Lohan will agree with us on, even if we disagree with that nut job's methods of reaching out to his troubled daughter.

So disturbed is Lindsay that she can't find consistent work in film anymore and has had to resort to making a living off of personal appearances.

Which is all good if you're Kim Kardashian and commanding more than your own TV show is willing to pay you. But Lohan is no Kim Kardashian.

Wow, how sad is that statement?

Not as sad as the fact that even clubs think she's so much of a liability that they would rather shell out the big bucks for Heidi Montag or even Snooki.

Linds, you spilled a kilo in your shoes. [Photo:]

A source says that "When Lindsay does get paid for attending events, she now gets less than Snooki makes. It is sad and it is only getting worse."

"The few people that care about Lindsay want her to get help, but she is scared to trust, thanks to her father, and she doesn’t want to hear this."

"We are worried for Lindsay and where her life is going. She will open up to assistants that are dropping something off or helping her for an event."

"She needs good friends and she has none. Lindsay is in crisis. Lindsay is really going through a lot right now. She feels like everyone leaves her."

"If she does get work, which is rare, someone has to basically be by her side to get her ready for the event or meeting and make sure she shows.”

Very reliable sources also reveal that you can get LiLo to show up for an event in Los Angeles for $2,500 these days - 2-4 times less than Snooki.

What's more, the transactions are supposedly done through Lohan's assistant and she gets paid in cash. Convenient for her white powder habits.

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