Monday, September 13, 2010

Lady Gaga Reveals Diet Tips

Lady Gaga doesn't stay in tip top shape while traveling the globe and rocking the house every night by accident. Nor did she at all for a bit there.

Still, she lets us in on some diet secrets here.

With the demands of performing, recording, and being one of her generation's top pop stars in general, Lady Gaga has a lot on her plate - and has to make sure what she puts on it, too, after fainting during a concert in New Zealand this year.

It's hard work being Lady Gaga, but someone's gotta do it.

"It's all about salsa with grain chips, tofu, turkey slices, hummus and coconut water," says LaurieAnn Gibson, her choreographer, who is nominated for two MTV VMAs for helping engineer Gaga's "Bad Romance" and "Telephone" videos.

It's also about staying mentally fit. Gibson, who also choreographed videos for "Poker Face," "Love Game," "Paparazzi," "Bad Romance," "Telephone" and "Alejandro," says Gaga is a soulful theater buff who has "become comfortable with herself."

Gibson describes the pop star as "fearless," and says her new music, which Gaga has been recording while on tour, reflects that. "She's going to take a bigger bite out of things," says Gibson. "You're going to see more of who she really is."

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